3 hour class
40 €
Portuguese Knitting for Beginners - 13 June 2020
Maximum: 8 places
In this workshop students will be able to learn through simple samples of stitches the basics of the Portuguese Knitting Style:
- small historical framework of the Portuguese Knitting Style.
- how to hold the yarn, the needles, the placement of the hands and the correct tension when knitting.
- how to use the Portuguese Knitting Style in order to minimize movements and consequently reduce the risk of injuries typical of other forms of knitting.
- how to use the Portuguese Knitting Style in order to knit in a more efficient, quick and simple way
Prerequesites: none
Supplies Students Need to Bring to Class:
4 mm and 4.5 mm/ US 6/ 7 circular needles, and some basic notions like stitch markers scissors etc... (50 gr of DK yarn in a light color)